
Reality Check; “On The Low” Moments ? + Ways I Get Back On Track


  1. the state or quality of being perfect.

    • the action or process of improving something until it is faultless.
      Synonyms : Improvement, Betterment, Refinement.

Writing this post actually got me having all kinds of feeling I must say from feeling witty to been unsure if  truly am ready for this. You know how you have a lot to pour out but yet you get to feel stuck, in the process of trying, from getting to understand ones  audience, how to convey a message properly, how to tell a story that keeps the audience going or better still how to be “Perfect” and I begin to ponder, “Is there a point of Perfection before Coming Out?”
Just recently we celebrated the International Women’s day, where a lot of women were Celebrated, mother’s, sisters, daughters (yeah got a call from dad and eldest brother), friends wishing us the best of life , and celebrating our achievements but do we take out time to ponder on the process of attaining victory or the process of looses and wins , the process of low moments , the process of starting all over , how do we deal with low moments when it’s just you left with the pains and joy, all  mixed up in one (a word came into my mind but trust me let’s leave it for my mind alone). How do we get out of such moments to claim back our “Self Esteem ” and “Loveing Oneself”.

Here are a few tips that has helped me appreciate myself ,and find success even after the so called Losses and “low moments” I hope this helps you love you better and love yourself more

1)Take a break and “uncloud” your mind :

Don’t know if that word exist lol but let’s get it clear, trying to push way over board might not be the solution. I once had a job cancelled after spending some substantial amount of money and time trying to get the contract sealed mehn was I broken , I cried my eyes out (yeah cry me a river was probably named for me)  but I had to take a break from my hustle, watched a movie and called my friend , we chatted for a while and I slept off. I spent the remaining days of the week doing other things I liked as an individual from surfing the net, to catching up on old pals just anything I could do to take my mind off . This helped me heal, gave me time to re think , strategize and analyse critically what could have happened instead of concluding under mixed emotions built up inside of me.

2) Fuel your hurt/pain into Producing Positive Results:

Bet we saw the last Nike “Just Do it ” video featuring Serena Williams where she talked about doing it crazy http://nike just do it video, most at times , the individual fails and get broken but slowly gathers strength and builds momentum which is directed to trying again.  You should try this it helps bring out your creativity to full force .

3) Sweat It Out :

Yeah you read that right, don’t go feeling calm, acting all cool and Mr  having everything under control always cut yourself some slack, sweat it out hit the gym, take a stroll, act some scenes from your favorite film. I personally am not gym person so it’s out of it, I dance it out , sweat it out and get ready to crush next goals.

4) Read Successful Stories of World Changers : Reading and celebrating others has a pyschological impact way more than we realize. Aside feeling positive, one tends to develop deeply the urge to attain success come what may.

Ok guys here we have it , this are tips that has helped me build me and improved my self esteem even when dealing with failure.
Please guys feel free to comment what works for you and how you handled the low moments..

Cheers To SuccessThe pictures used are in honour of all women out there , you are the best girl! 


Recently I discovered a transitioning in my being, things I felt were necessary began to fade off in my eyes, I noticed that I began to strive daily, putting in the little efforts required of me. I imbibed and daily lived as a minimalist, which is a state of mind where one values himself more than material things, choosing to live life based on experiences rather than vain things so I consciously make every moment count.

Trust me when I say it’s not the regular “New Year, New Me” nah, it started from genuine intentions of wanting to be a better individual, for myself first, family and the society at large. I became intentional in my search for the truth, getting knowledge from the bible, books, listening to successful individuals who preach the message. This unknowingly led to a gradual shifting, remodeling of how I viewed life and Success, and taking into cognizance my personal values, what inspired me and what wasn’t a big deal.

One major shift was I began to see beauty in every aspect of life through the eyes of positivity, this doesn’t mean life issues weren’t there, oh no! Why then is it called life, but I now understood my different roles, what I could influence and what I couldn’t, so why waste time crying over what I couldn’t influence rather than striving to achieve what I could.

Values were important to me and kept me from stepping far away, daily I’ll check to see that everything I strive for resonated with my values and personal mission statement. (I advise we all read “5 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey to get a proper understanding).

I began to understand deeply the idea behind the saying “Simplicity” , the beauty in what one might tag little things , funny enough arts began to appeal to me because I tried to look beyond the paintings that met the eye at first to getting the message or looking deep so I can connect with what the artist is trying to say. Creativity began to come to play a lot and I realized life is not determined by the outcomes, but the outcomes are created by us individuals. Creativity doesn’t mean you have to create one special thing or sell off an idea and BOOM the whole world celebrates you, no creativity is simply taking control of you, creating or bringing to life the ideas, dreams, opening the gift box life gave to you (check previous blog post).

Creativity is simply becoming the Creator, celebrating the small wins, learning from mistakes and failures and always keeping tabs to ensure you would do the daily little things that would build momentum overtime. Beauty in simplicity.

….”creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect . It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones”. Bruce Garrabrandt.

Now let remember again the main focus is “Beauty in the little thing”. Have you ever sat with a creative or go for a shoot with a photographer? Trust me you would be amazed at how they can create a beautiful portrait or story out of things ordinary. One thing is certain, before they raise their camera to snap any picture, they first envision, create in their mind a mental picture and try to replicate it, they look for tiny details, focus on it and bring it to life through a click.

Something the ordinary man would ignore, a photographer which is our case study would appreciate and try exploring around, now that’s really impressive right, but remember they had an understanding that there’s always beauty when we decide to see one.

The major points worthy to note here are;

*Becoming a creator (Be proactive, be a problem solver).
*Seeing things through The Eyes of the mind (Develop your mind).
*Learning to appreciate nature.
*Keeping things real and simple.
*Learning to build with what you have.

This post isn’t a lecture about photography or any of such (lol I don’t even own a camera yet but I take my friends mad shots that counts ) but this post is to help us reevaluate our lives, our position on certain issues and build ourselves to become creators, even God admonishes us to be like him. Gen 1:27 NLT
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

What you might disregard might actually be a gift waiting to be unwrapped and explored. Take a shot at it what’s the worst that could happen? Well so you understand I’m human first before being a creative let me answer “well I don’t know what would happen but I only know it would be counted that you took a shot at Life”.


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